Holiday Open House
Saturday, December 5, 2009
In the spirit of the holiday season, fabric donations were accepted for the Hopi quilters who are learning how to sew and quilt. The outpouring of generosity was amazing. It was truly a festive day.

Patty's Big "O" Birthday Bash
A Fall Event
Saturday, October 3, 2009
What a fun celebration of the fall season and growing older surrounded by quilts and friends. We had party games in the side room, cupcakes and iced tea in the courtyard, and designer and author Tammy Kelly in the Gallery.

The birthday girl
Balloons in the main room

Balloons in the side room
Lorrie Petersen, left, kept the games flowing. Sam Logan is doing the fat quarter toss.

Getting ready for the thimble drop.

Diane, left, with Brooke, our cupcake hostess.

Tammy Kelly's trunk show inside the Gallery
Northern Arizona
Beat the Heat Shop Hop

Thursday July 16 through
Saturday July 25, 2009
Our thanks go out to all you who drove for miles to be part of this fun run.
Julie Dodds of Prescott won our grand prize, a Rolling Tutto Sewing Machine Case stuffed with over $ 500 worth of goodies. What a lucky quilter!
We also had seven winners of store gift baskets valued at $ 150 each.
Participating stores this year were: Quilter’s Dream (Prescott Valley), Quilt n’ Sew Connection (Prescott Valley), Cloth Plus Fabrics (Prescott Valley), Quilter’s Quarters (Cottonwood), Odegaard’s Sewing Center (Flagstaff), Quilter’s Mercantile (Williams), and the
Quilter’s Store Sedona (Sedona).
Quiltfest 2009
May 2, 2009
The Red Rock Quilters presented their bi-annual quilt show here at the Store, and what a beautiful day it was for celebrating spring and quilts. Quilts were hung outside along the walls and in the courtyard, while large bed quilts greeted you as you drove in. You could even find a display of mini-quilts and a rack of beautiful handmade garments. The Guild's boutique was on the back patio with an assortment of lovely craft items.
Inside the Gallery, Sylvia Hirsch of Triangles on a Roll filled the room with her beautiful quilts and demonstrated the Sew and Fold rolls. Festivities continued inside the Store with door prize drawings and a great sale.
View from the sidewalk

View from the sidewalk

Thunder Mountain as a backdrop for the quilts

Courtyard quilts
Springtime roses and quilts

More courtyard quilts

Eunice Hill's southwest panels

Outside the Gallery

Also, outside the Gallery

Sylvia Hirsch inside the Gallery demonstrating Triangles on a Roll

Sedona Serenade, Red Rock Quilters Opportunity Quilt
Trunk Show by

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Bren Bornyasz of Brensan Studios wowed us with her lovely jackets and skirts in an assortment of colors and fabrics.

Sedona Public Library
Annual Quilt Show
December 29, 2008 through February 12, 2009
Each year, the local quilters of Sedona generously share with us their latest quilts to hang from the beautiful, high ceilings in the Sedona Public Library. It’s quite a sight to see. We fill two rooms with quilts hung along the walls and from the rafters and show smaller ones in display cases. The quilt show ran from December 29, 2008, through February 12, 2009. The Library, just around the corner from our quilt store, is at 3250 White Bear Road in Sedona.
Sedona Public Library Quilt Show 2008 -2009
Main Room

“Transformation at Dawn” by Patsy Kittredge
Inspired by the fairy tale “The Wild Swans” by Hans Christian Andersen
“Sedona Serenade” Opportunity Quilt by the Red Rock Quilters

Quilt Display Outside the Children’s Window
“Joker’s Wild” by Ann Magetteri greets you when you walk in

First Two Rows of Main Room

Rows Three and Four of Main Room

Back Row of Main Room
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